The Full Story

Cinema Vehicle Services (
received one of our catalogs and our components were just what their stunt
drivers were looking for. During initial testing of "Eleanor" the stunt
drivers were victims of the ill handling of a '67 Mustang. Our Coil Over
Suspension and Rack and Pinion Kits would be the cure for this vehicle's
shortcomings. It was Spring '99 when they placed their first order for
a couple of set-ups for testing. TCP went down to Cinema Vehicle Services
in Southern, CA to oversee the installations on the first few cars.
After the suspension and steering installations were completed it was
on to Bob Bondurant's Driving School in Arizona for testing. Our very
own 1965 Fastback (featured in Mustang Illustrated April 2000 - Testbed
Terror) was used to get the stunt drivers as well as the leading actor
himself better acquainted with the new suspension and steering. As you
can imagine stunt drivers are probably the ultimate test on a components
strength and reliability.
were 11 cars built for the movie, most of which have our suspension, rack,
and billet aluminum pedal covers installed.
The improvement in handling is evident in the action sequences in the
later half of the movie. Most 1967 Mustangs would have excessive body
roll and fall short on some of the quick steering maneuvers the stunt
drivers put these cars through.
The movie production company, Bruckheimer
Films, was nice enough to let us display one of the cars in our booth
at the Wine Country Classic at Sears Point Raceway in May... With the
release of the movie we were pleasantly surprised to see a number of cameo
appearances of our pedal covers during the climactic chase scene. Unfortunately
since our rack and coil-over mount underneath the vehicle, they did not
receive nearly as much screen time. :-)
As they say "That's a wrap!" which concludes TCP's Hollywood experience,
at least this chapter.